Ok, so although I have a few friends that are somewhat anti-haloween (for various totally understandable reasons), I tend to enjoy Halloween and this year was especially looking forward to being a totally hot flapper girl at a coworker halloween party. I was planning on fun costumes, fun people, some alcohol, and most importantly the absence of the uber judgemental college take on this party which usually entailed sluts and pimps. So, since that plan has since vaporized along with my twenty dollars that I spent on some fucking hot lace gloves, I am going to do what I should be doing that night (considering I work at 630 am), which is hand out candy and go to bed early. Hopefully I won't run into any of these people on my way to work in the dark the next morning.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Teaching Mother
Mom: so I'm going to this dance class, which one should I take? salsa, swing, or tango?
Me: Oh definitely salsa, back on the right, forward on your left, easy. But watch out for the gays.
Mom: I would love to dance with a gay man!
Me: But that's not why you're taking these classes mom, let's be real.
Mom: Good point, and where the hell am I going to put my purse, who will watch it?
Me (and Caitlin): that's what you bra is for mother, just stick in an ID and some cash and you're good to go.
Mom: oh, gosh wow, uhh, hmmm... I guess I would just feel like a hooker or something...
Me: but you'd be a hooker that got paid!
Mom: oh I have taught you well.
Me: Oh definitely salsa, back on the right, forward on your left, easy. But watch out for the gays.
Mom: I would love to dance with a gay man!
Me: But that's not why you're taking these classes mom, let's be real.
Mom: Good point, and where the hell am I going to put my purse, who will watch it?
Me (and Caitlin): that's what you bra is for mother, just stick in an ID and some cash and you're good to go.
Mom: oh, gosh wow, uhh, hmmm... I guess I would just feel like a hooker or something...
Me: but you'd be a hooker that got paid!
Mom: oh I have taught you well.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I'm Hopeful!
I have two really great things going on in my life right now, and at first I thought they were fleeting or possibly just a fluke, but they have turned out to not be anything of the sort. The first, the more amusing of the two, is that I officially have a MAD crush. And it's a real life crush, not someone that I stare at through office window blinds or at a bar. And it's the kind of crush that makes you want to talk about them all the time, for. no. reason. You know when all you want to do is talk about them, but a) there isn't anyone at the ready to gush to and b) there really isn't any great super-witty-banter exchange to tell because they fluster you too much to actually remember them!? Yeah, it's that kind of crush. And it is so incredibly fun that I find myself amused almost nonstop. But not in a creepy stalker kind of way, just in a silly girl kind of way. The other exciting thing right now, is that I am finally having conversations with my family (of course by this I mean my sisters and mother) that I have been dying to have. Serious conversations about the past 5 years that throughout that time, we were either too angry to actually start, too immature to verbalize, couldn't have because of the distance, or all of the above. Some of them are hard to have, but I realize now that I have been craving this kind of honesty and perspective about the past. Most of them are particularly important for me and my adult sister and mother to have as women, things about life and love and marriage and greif and job satisfaction etc etc. And these amazing conversations are perfectly balanced with the 'maria-focused' conversations such as how to properly get ready for a homecoming dance with a boy, and how to study for biology exams. So, that being said, I am officially over the hump and shock of being home 'in limbo' for a few months at my mothers house, and finally settling into the real life of a complicated Jesse woman, and it feels freaking awesome.
And if the myth holds true, then there should be that third exciting tidbit just around the corner. God I love being an optimist.
And if the myth holds true, then there should be that third exciting tidbit just around the corner. God I love being an optimist.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Updation: Head above water soon
Soon! I will be back with some much needed updates, quotes, silly stories, and a much needed music blog. For clarification, I have jumped head first into work here in Seattle which, due to an unforseen accident that has my boss out for 6 weeks, means a lot more than just full time. (On a side note, my silly stubborn father, who I stay with on nights when I have 6 am shifts, has decided to lock his computer.) Fortunately, tomorrow is a short day at work, and seeing as I'm exhausted all the time, I am looking forward to a long uninterrupted afternoon of internet reunion time curled up on the basement couch. Check back tomorrow!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Rain, and Bagels, and Nordstroms Oh My!
So I am officially home in seattle and have neglected my blog for no good reason. I chalk it up to needing some adjustment time. There were the typical first few days where everything is new and it felt like I was just in town for the weekend. Where staying up late to watch political tv with my mom and ignoring the giant mess of an unpacked room had no real consequences. But the reality set in, I forced myself to go to bed at a reasonable hour and attacked the immense task of fully unpacking. Although I have to point out that my ability to make cute outfits (for work and play) out of just a few items on rotation....is a high class skill that I am eternally proud of, especially during limbo times like those were. So, its been a week of real life so far, with work and play and lots of sister bickering and making up. And I am happy to say that (gasp) living with my mother will be bearable. Yes! I said it. I just need to do my part. And spending many afternoons at Victrola or Mio Posto posting blogs (like today) will also help to maintain my sanity.
And since I'm full of new stimuli, new boys, new music, new annoyances, and new accidents here in my new environment, I will indulge in one of my favorite things....A List!
1. Cutting your finger with a giant serrated edge knife is only topped by cutting it that way while making LEMONADE. Yeah. And I have recently done the later, and it sucks. To say the least. It's still bandaged (aka not healing very well) and makes it really hard to do anything, and of course by that I mean all the important things like type and shampoo my hair and eat.
2. The tall women of my family do NOT ever take the basement stairs one step at a time, we gallop two steps at a time and it makes all look like we're eleven years old again. I love it.
3. Shopping with my grandmother is like walking on coals, it is usually really exhilarating and eventually successful but the process can also hurt like a bitch. Luckily, the most recent trip to the Nordstrom opening at Tacoma Mall was more exhilarating and successful than anything else. And for that I am grateful. Another reason I’m grateful….these boots.

4. BAGELS. Enough said. Preferably with hummus and veggies.
5. Maria's cute little butt is one of the perkiest things I've ever seeeeen, and its soooo much fun to slap unanounced. Not to mention that her team of freshmen girls are playing and continually BEATING seattle area varsity teams in her fall league! VARSITY teams people! I am so proud.
6. I have gone from working in an office of women to a deli of all men. It is interesting. And you know what? It's really FUN. Although I do miss the boy talk friendly environment that the SON provided (and it is a little daunting going into an already solidified dynamic of banter that often focuses on led zeppelin), I think I am holding my own. And as my coworkers claim, it helps to have a girl around…the tips are up :) And as it seems to be wherever I work, the jovial gossip mill is alive and well (and you know how much I LOVE that).
7. Closing shifts allow a few lazy mornings a week and of course that means a long walk, coffee, and being able to watch the girls on The View eat Elizabeth Hasselbeck alive when it comes to the probable inauguration of Obama as president. What a wonderful way to start my day!
8. The inside of my church was remodeled, the floor and the pews of this gothic yet classic style Catholic church were in dire need of attention and even though its nice and new.... I just don't like it. Especially the altar. It's terrible. And to top it all off....they took out my (to the left of the altar) section of pews to put in 'movable' chairs. Duummmbb.
9. I. AM. SO. GLAD. TO. BE. HOME. But, I miss Portland. And I am afraid that my dreams of late (about that longing) are taking their toll on my true feelings of restedness.
And since I'm full of new stimuli, new boys, new music, new annoyances, and new accidents here in my new environment, I will indulge in one of my favorite things....A List!
1. Cutting your finger with a giant serrated edge knife is only topped by cutting it that way while making LEMONADE. Yeah. And I have recently done the later, and it sucks. To say the least. It's still bandaged (aka not healing very well) and makes it really hard to do anything, and of course by that I mean all the important things like type and shampoo my hair and eat.
2. The tall women of my family do NOT ever take the basement stairs one step at a time, we gallop two steps at a time and it makes all look like we're eleven years old again. I love it.
3. Shopping with my grandmother is like walking on coals, it is usually really exhilarating and eventually successful but the process can also hurt like a bitch. Luckily, the most recent trip to the Nordstrom opening at Tacoma Mall was more exhilarating and successful than anything else. And for that I am grateful. Another reason I’m grateful….these boots.

4. BAGELS. Enough said. Preferably with hummus and veggies.
5. Maria's cute little butt is one of the perkiest things I've ever seeeeen, and its soooo much fun to slap unanounced. Not to mention that her team of freshmen girls are playing and continually BEATING seattle area varsity teams in her fall league! VARSITY teams people! I am so proud.
6. I have gone from working in an office of women to a deli of all men. It is interesting. And you know what? It's really FUN. Although I do miss the boy talk friendly environment that the SON provided (and it is a little daunting going into an already solidified dynamic of banter that often focuses on led zeppelin), I think I am holding my own. And as my coworkers claim, it helps to have a girl around…the tips are up :) And as it seems to be wherever I work, the jovial gossip mill is alive and well (and you know how much I LOVE that).
7. Closing shifts allow a few lazy mornings a week and of course that means a long walk, coffee, and being able to watch the girls on The View eat Elizabeth Hasselbeck alive when it comes to the probable inauguration of Obama as president. What a wonderful way to start my day!
8. The inside of my church was remodeled, the floor and the pews of this gothic yet classic style Catholic church were in dire need of attention and even though its nice and new.... I just don't like it. Especially the altar. It's terrible. And to top it all off....they took out my (to the left of the altar) section of pews to put in 'movable' chairs. Duummmbb.
9. I. AM. SO. GLAD. TO. BE. HOME. But, I miss Portland. And I am afraid that my dreams of late (about that longing) are taking their toll on my true feelings of restedness.
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