The past couple of weeks have been emotionally awful for several reasons and I basically almost gave in (insert mind bubble saying "wow, is this how its going to be?") but then thought WAIT a SECOND. Nope. Not gonna happen. So I "rested" for a few days, ie didnt run, just walked, didnt talk to many people, and ate what I wanted (within reason) and realized, that sometimes, that's all you really need. A damn good meal. And since I have been waiting untill today (payday) to go grocery shopping cause its so fucking expensive, I have been slowing realizing how not eating well REALLY affects me. Not just "oh I'm hungry" but things such as "why I am so depressed, this sucks, but I had toast and peanut butter I should be fine!". Silly and irrational I know, but word for word my thought process most evenings, as I wallowed and read my new psych book. So now that I'm back on track, with a run tonight, a hip hop show (which I'm kinda nervous for.... hey, just being honest)a "extra long run" planned for tomorrow, and Ali and my last trip to the yummiest breakfast place ever (Beaterville) before we both leave this lovely city for the next phase of our lives - I think I will be fine. Whew, longest sentence ever. And it reminds me of what my momma always tells me... 'you were such a happy baby'. And I am so grateful that that personality-temperment has lasted.
And just for shit's sake, and cause I'm worried about her right now (rightfully so, because she is staying with my sometimes crazy grandmother at the lake) I'm including this ridiculously awesome picture of my littler sister Maria. I call her Punky, short for another silly pet name. I think it suits her perfectly. :) ps: She's the one with the tongue.

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